SuperLow Carbon Asphalt for low carbon projects

Complete your next project with low carbon asphalt

Everyone is looking at reducing the Carbon across the world and this includes both Aggregate Industries and Spadeoak, as a group we are looking at ways to combat carbon and reduce it form our asphalt production and application.

Developing green solutions like SuperLow is part of our group strategy to accelerate and lead the transition to more sustainable and innovative building materials for greener construction.

Working with industry leading companies such as Shell Bitumen, Aggregate Industries Group has developed SuperLow; the innovative next step on the carbon reduction journey.

The material features reduced carbon levels when compared to standard materials as it is manufactured at reduced temperatures.

Utilising our national supply chain

Spadeoak are working with other material suppliers to bring similar products to the market, alternatively should you have a specified material for your project, Spadeoak can utilise our national supply chain to deliver and install alternative specified solutions.

Why go SuperLow Carbon Asphalt

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Requires less energy to manufacture than conventional asphalt, giving a lower carbon footprint.


Lower asphalt temperatures, reduce nuisance fuming, odour and steam at the project site, reduce burn risk, improve visibility, and provide better working conditions for operatives.

Longer Lasting

Lower asphalt temperatures during production reduce binder ageing and enhance in-service life expectancy.

High Quality

Even at lower temperatures, SuperLow-Carbon asphalt remains highly compactable for longer than the hot mix equivalent, allowing more time for full compaction and delivering enhanced performance and durability.

Saves Time

The asphalt reaches trafficking temperatures quicker than conventional hot asphalt, enabling earlier reopening of carriageways to the travelling public, resulting in less traffic disruption and reduced build cost.


Launched in 2021 SuperLow was the first neutralising asphalt solution available in the UK market.

Ready to speak to us?

Contact us today on 01628 529 421

If you have a project and require our expert assistance contact Spadeoak today on 01628 529 421 or email [email protected]