Low Carbon Concrete now available
Spadeoak can complete your next project with low carbon concrete

You do not have to compromise when requiring a low carbon concrete. Introducing the ECOPact low carbon range, with no compromise on performance. ECOPACT makes sustainable building possible. This new and unique Active Setting Carbon Saving Concrete range, delivers greater carbon reduction compared to standard concrete materials.
Whether you’re aiming to reduce your carbon footprint, optimise mix designs or reduce the volume used. The ECOPact range gives you options, with the same performance as traditional concrete.
Spadeoak are working with other material suppliers to bring similar products to the market, alternatively should you have a specified material for your project, Spadeoak can utilise our national supply chain to deliver and install alternative specified solutions.
ECOPact – Low Carbon Concrete range

Over 30% Carbon reduction
ECOPact Prime
Over 50% Carbon reduction
ECOPact Max
Ultra low carbon concrete
ECOPact Zero
Carbon neutral concrete
For more information please visit the Spadeoak ECOPact page.